6 Tips for Making Your Bedroom Sleep-Friendly

Everyone needs adequate and high-quality sleep. Because sleep is such an essential part of overall health, it has a ripple effect on everything else. Our health can suffer if we don’t get enough quality sleep. Those who have suffered from long-term sleep disturbances may believe that a good night’s rest is an unachievable dream. 

A woman sleeping in a bed
However, several techniques help with making your bedroom sleep-friendly, which significantly helps with the amount of sleep you get per night.

Your bedroom should have cold tones as the dominant feature of the color scheme. Your mind will have a hard time relaxing if the colors in the room are too bright or chaotic. Even something seemingly unnoticeable like a carpet can be sleep-hindering. That’s why it’s crucial to choose the right carpet and other décor. 

Color psychology shows that warmer hues like red can raise heart rate and blood pressure, which doesn’t make your bedroom sleep-friendly! Cool tones, such as blues and greens, promote calmness, on the other hand. This encourages rest and a peaceful state of mind.

A color wheel for making your bedroom sleep-friendly

2. Make the bedding comfortable

It’s not enough to have an excellent mattress! You also need a comfortable bed and a relaxing environment. If you’re in love with your old bed and are moving, you needn’t worry about replacing it. You can simply contact bestmoversinflorida.com to help you find a moving company that can bring your favorite furniture to your new home.

Additionally, when browsing for a mattress and pillows, consider the comfort of your neck and back. A more comfortable night’s sleep means investing in higher-quality items. The quality of your sleep will be greatly influenced by the bedding you choose. It’s a solid sign that your mattress needs to be replaced if you wake up with aches and pains. Your mattress should be replaced every ten years, but you should replace it sooner if there are any lumps, sags, or other signs of degradation.

Pillows are no exception. Consider changing them if you’re continuously fluffing them to reshape the contents. And you may not be aware of it, but your bed linens may be interfering with your ability to sleep soundly. Fabrics that hold in heat can make it difficult to fall asleep. To make your bedroom sleep-friendly, choose linens that are breathable and comfortable.

3. Dimming the lights helps with making your bedroom sleep-friendly

Light has a critical role in regulating circadian rhythms, which tell your body when it’s time to sleep. Exposure to light, whether natural or artificial, inhibits the production of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone. As much light as possible should be eliminated from a decent sleep environment. Don’t turn on lamps or nightlights, and don’t have LED alarm clocks in your line of sight. Introducing yellow lights rather than white LED ones might make your home feel cozier, which will promote good sleep. 

If you have to keep your phone on during the night, put it face down so that no light shines into your room as you sleep. In addition, electronic devices such as TVs and computers are not beneficial to a good night’s sleep. Blue light from electronic devices disrupts melatonin production, which is necessary for a good rest. The light from standby mode does, too, so turn those devices off!

A lightbulb with a warm sleep-friendly glow

4. Turn down the sound

Keeping your sleeping area as quiet as possible is essential, as sounds can alert or disturb your sleep cycles. Inconsistent noises are the most likely to rouse you from sleep. This is why it’s a bad idea to fall asleep with the television on, as the sounds emanating from the TVs are constantly changing. This is another reason to keep the TV out of your bedroom! 

Keep this in mind when packing your bedroom in record time for your upcoming relocation. Because when the time comes to move, and you want to get the process done as quickly as possible, it would be wise only to pack the essentials. A TV that disturbs your sleep shouldn’t be essential.

If you like having background noise when going to bed, try leaving a small fan on. Its ambient, mellow sound will also help drown out outside noises like traffic, dogs barking, or noisy neighbors. If you can, try setting up your sleeping area as far away as possible from any noisy areas. If you can’t bear the noise at all, you could always try some earplugs!

A person shushing the cameraman with their index finger

5. Keep the air fresh for a sleep-friendly night

Keep in mind that your nose can play an essential role in having a good night’s sleep! Aromas like lavender, jasmine, or vanilla can help you relax and unwind by sending a physical signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down. Use lavender-scented oils or candles in your bedroom for a better night’s sleep, as they can help lower your heart rate and blood pressure. 

A high indoor air quality reduces sleep apnea and other sleep problems, especially if you aren’t a fan of prominent scents in the bedroom. Keep your space tidy and introduce house plants that purify the air in your home. 

There are many plants that thrive in the shade in case your room doesn’t get much light. Some individuals prefer to sleep with the windows open to let in the fresh air. But if that’s not your style, try to ventilate your bedroom during the daytime instead.

6. Take care of the temperature

Keeping your room cold at night and while you sleep will help you get a good night’s rest. The ideal temperature for sleeping is 18 degrees Celsius, with a margin of error of a degree or two. Cooler is better, but everyone has their own ideal temperature range. Keep your bedding at a temperature that is comfortable for you, and alter your nightwear as necessary. If you’re having trouble sleeping because it’s too chilly, try putting on some bed socks.

Final thoughts

We hope our guide will help with making your bedroom sleep-friendly again. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a good night’s sleep!

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