7 Hidden Costs of Home Remodeling

House in the middle of the remodeling process.

Anybody who has ever done some remodeling in their home can tell you that it is not an easy job. It requires a lot of time, effort, planning, and research. You have to find a good contractor that will be able to make your vision come true and make your home look exactly the way you want. Then you need to find suitable materials to use for the remodeling.

And if you want your home to look its best and last for a long time, you need higher-quality materials. All of this can contribute to additional hidden costs of home remodeling.

And while paying for contractors and materials are the main costs of remodeling that we know are coming, some expenses are not as obvious. Sometimes during the remodeling process, new expenses will come up that can catch you off guard, and you won’t be prepared for them. To help you prevent that from happening, we made a list of some of the hidden costs of home remodeling so you can be prepared.


When remodeling, one thing people tend to forget is the permits. Depending on the laws in different states, you might need permits for various remodeling projects. If you are doing projects (adding a deck, some plumbing, and electrical work) that will significantly change your home, you will likely need to acquire a permit first. And permits can be quite costly, but it depends on a few things.

The bigger the upgrade you are doing, the more expensive the permit is. It also depends on location. But on average, prices go from 50$ to 3000$ for the most extensive upgrades. So when setting up a budget for your remodeling project, don’t forget to count the permit prices.

Parents with their toddler and baby. One of the hidden costs of home remodeling is the accommodation for you and your family.
You will need to rent a new home while the remodeling is done, and the cost will depend on the size of your family and the space you need.

Finding a new place to live

With big home remodels, it is usually impossible for you to keep living in there while the contractors are working. This means you will be moving out during home remodeling. But most people forget to plan for this expense. The cost of your new accommodation will depend on location, how much space you need, how big your family is etc. So when planning your home remodel, plan for this expense as well.

Problems you didn’t know existed

Has it ever happened to you that you moved your couch and found that your wall is cracked? And it has probably been that way for a while now. You just didn’t know until you moved your couch. Well, it’s very similar when it comes to remodeling. In fact, cracks and similar are some of the most common hidden costs of home remodeling.

If you are doing significant upgrades, chances are you will uncover some issues you didn’t know about before. You might find that you have issues with mold or termites. Or even bigger issues with plumbing and electricity.

The biggest problem here is that these issues are very unpredictable, and you can’t really know how big they are. So try to set aside a certain sum of money for these unexpected issues as much as your budget allows. You may be lucky, and there will be no costly hidden issues in your home.

A person cleaning a dusty surface.
Your home will need a deep cleaning after remodeling.

One of the hidden costs of home remodeling is cleaning

With big home remodels, unfortunately, comes a lot of mess. To make your house look the way you like, the contractors must first demolish some parts before they can rebuild again. That means a lot of debris and dust will be all over. While you can try and clean it yourself, hiring a professional cleaning company is much more effective.

They will do it much faster, and they will be more thorough. You don’t want debris and dust residue in your house. This is another one of the hidden costs of remodeling that you shouldn’t forget.

Storage space

Another hidden cost on our list is storage. When your home is going through a remodel, chances are you will have to get rid of some stuff from the house so contractors can work smoothly. It would be tough for them to work if they constantly bumped into things or tripped over. So you will need to find someplace for your items. And the best solution here is a storage unit. It is affordable, and you know that your things are safe.

According to experts at heavenlymove.com, many people hire them for their storage services for this exact reason. And a professional will do everything for you, so you don’t have to worry. They will come and pick up your stuff, take it to the storage unit and deliver it back to you anytime you like.

Two closed storage units.
It is very likely that you will need to rent out a storage unit during your remodeling project.

Bad contractors

Sometimes your contractors will simply do a lousy job. They might be inexperienced or lack the necessary skills for the job, which can cause costly issues. With contractors like that, you will likely have to go over budget. So before hiring any contractors, do some research. Really look at their qualifications. Good contractors pay off in the long run, even if they are a bit more expensive.

Finishing touches

And in the end, once everything is done, you will still need to shell out some more money for the finishing touches. You will need to buy some new decorations, pillows, wall art, etc. It may seem unimportant, but things like these help to make your home look fresh and stylish.

In conclusion

These were just some of the hidden costs of home remodeling. When it comes to projects like this, it is simply impossible to predict what could happen. The best solution is to be very thorough with your planning. Research until you find the best possible contractors for your vision. Make sure you communicate with them what you want. And don’t forget about these expenses we listed when you are setting up a budget for your home remodel.

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